Antigua and Barbuda, January 2001

Other Photographs:
The Essence of Akka
The Virgin Islands, Winter 1999-Spring 2000
The Chesapeake Bay, Fall 2000
Bermuda, November 2000
Trinidad and Carnival, February 2001

Click here to read about Antigua, or here to read about Barbuda.

Montserrat's Soufriere volcano is still quite active

The megayacht M/V Senses, with several of its toys aboard.

"Tatoosh", one of the world's largest private yachts.

"Georgia" with her 4 hydraulic roller-furling jibs.

Melinda and Bob from "Silver Lining

Suzie Jardine, who later crewed for us, with Rob at Shirley Heights

Frigate birds at the sanctuary on Barbuda

Male frigate birds attract females by inflating their red throat bladders.

Chicks are fluffy; adults have large wingspans but short legs and are clumsy at landings.

Frigate birds wheeloverhead on six foot wings, but cannot swim